Sunday, 22 April 2007

Antwone Fisher and why my wrist hurts =(

So yesterday I watched another Denzel Washington film. This time it was 'Antwone Fisher'. A great true story of an American man and his life. I really enjoyed the film as not only did Denzel
star in it, he also directed it (what can't this guy do, lol!) But I think that if you haven't seen this, it's worth seeing sometime if you get the chance.

See, I currently subscribe to LoveFilm, which is a UK based online movie rental company. I personally think it's great...but maybe that's just because I really enjoy watching films. I pay £12.99 a month and have as many DVDs as I want sent to my door. I have 2 at home at once and as soon as I send one back, I receive another within a couple of days. They have a great selection, and why I'm telling you this is not because I work for them, lol! It's just the reason why you might notice I'll often talk about films I've seen on this blog. If you're into movies though...I'd definitely think about joining them.

So why is my wrist sore? Well I'm currently playing a lot of Xbox 360 (nothing new there I guess) but I'm specifically playing Guitar Hero II and it's awesome! =D Can get quite tough but I can honestly say that it's becoming my favourite game on my 360. If you have a 360 I would suggest you get this. I will however make it clear that there is NO online play for this game =( Apparently they're saving that for Guitar Hero III which will be awesome...but let's get GH2 over with first, eh? I must say, when I started playing I didn't know many of the I know (and love) pretty much all them! Even put them all on my iPod, so I was ready to rock once my car is fixed!

On that note, currently they are looking for a part for my car. A cylinder head apparently! So if you happen to know where I can find a cheap cylinder head for a 2000 Rover 25 then let me know as apparently they're quite hard to come by =(

Also, tomorrow I will be back to uni for 3 weeks before being off again on study leave. I'm kind of looking forward to going back but the main thing I'm looking forward to tomorrow is booking my holiday! =D Me and some friends decided we'd take off on a week to Magalluf (When I click that link I notice the first site maybe doesn't give the best impression, lol!) Anyway, I'm looking forward to going as I've never been before. If anyone out there has, I'd love to hear what it's like! =)

Now...back to rocking out with Guitar Hero, lol!



Thursday, 19 April 2007

Remember the Titans, Forget the TalkTalk

OK, so last night I did 3 things. Firstly, the normal 360 playing and general web surfing, so not much excitement there. But I also watched a movie, 'Remember the Titans', starring one of my favourite actors at the moment, Denzel Washington package. . Basically it's about American High School football in the 70's (for those who haven't seen it) and the racial tension involved at the time. A great film though! One not to be missed if you're into films, like me =)

So, the other excitement of last night was an HOUR LONG phone call (holding for roughly 55 minutes of it) onto my telephone and broadband provider in the UK TalkTalk. The one that 'claims' to give you free broadband when on their £20 a month landline. OK, so it would be a great deal if that was the case, but ever since the broadband went live they decided to set the broadband half up as a standalone account and have been charging £20 for the landline, and £30 for the broadband! What is that about?!? So you'd think after being on the phone for an hour it would be sorted....not a chance! :( Customer services tells me what the problem is (like I didn't already know!) and passes me onto sales to sort it out. Of course, sales says I already have an account and they can't edit my existing about a load of crap! By the time sales points me in the right direction the call centre closes and I get the 'Our opening hours are...' message. It's so frustrating! Though maybe I'm being too critical. I know many people who didn't have broadband and signed up to TalkTalk and got their landline and broadband package working perfectly first time...I just think it was because I already had broadband with someone else that they messed it up!

Hopefully I can get it sorted in the next few days anyway! Apart from current events, not really much coming up in the near future of any importance. My car is still getting fixed after a week of it being in. Hopefully it will be back to me too! And I'm back to uni next week so life should calm down a bit in general, which will be welcome...except for the upcoming exams, but it's all sweet! =)



Tuesday, 17 April 2007

My very first blog post! =)

Hey there!

Welcome to my very first ever blog post!

I decided to jump on the blog wagon after being fed up of sites like bebo, MySpace and even faceparty (if anyone remembers, or worse yet, still uses it!) I figure, why not let me decide what I want, rather than the corporate bigwigs of this new Net 2.0 regime. Ok, so it sounded better in my head but you know what I'm saying. I suppose I should list the sort of thing you can expect from this blog of mine.

Well here goes:
  • Hopefully a bit of humour
  • Quite possibly a portion of xbox news (sometimes just specific to my experience, sometimes general xbox info)
  • Most likely a slice of computer/internet/software/anything-computer-related as it is both my education and my employment
  • Absolutely a whole lotta love (though not the Led Zeppelin kind) more just me putting the effort into this and hopefully people getting something out of it!
  • And finally, 100% life and all that's involved with that (basically could include anything under the sun so never quote this to me to query why I blog about a subject, lol!)
Well, I hope you enjoy reading and be sure to check back often, subscribe (using RSS or whatever) and comment, comment, comment...until your heart is content!
