FIFA 08 First Footage...and a promise to you, from me =)
So then I saw that there was footage of FIFA 08 about...and I had to see it!
So here it is also, for you lovely people (courtesy of
EDIT: This seems to be acting kind of strange when I try to fit it in, but it's still viewable, right?
EDIT 2: I think I've fixed it now! =)
So, it seems to me that they've pretty much used an improved version of the players and the starting arena, to produce this, right?
I'm still excited, don't think I'm not...but I was maybe hoping to see some in-game action. Then I found the screenshots, (courtesy of CvG). Now, to me, these are a lot better than the video. You get to see different players, a bit of kind of screens! =)
So now my excitement has built up, I just have to wait for the release date (September 2007 apparently)...which interestingly enough coincides with Halo 3, the beta of which just stopped. I suppose I should give my view on it then, eh?
I loved the beta. There was nearly nothing wrong with it! My major gripe was the 'push-to-talk' feature, that has been with the Halo series. (well, Halo: CE didn't have Live functionality, so I guess it's just Halo 2) It gets annoying when you have to move your thumb from a movement stick to the d-pad, press it and then move it back, all during the game. Why can't it be like the majority of other games where, when you talk into your microphone, your team hears you. It should be the standard that developers have to keep. The number of times I was talking and realising my team-mates couldn't hear me was ridiculous! Instead, Bungie decided that the push-to-talk would be used for team-mates, and normal talking would be used for proximity. Now, I can see where they came to that conclusion the REAL world, people nearby would hear you when you talk, and people on your team, would only hear you if they were nearby or you were using your radio...but Halo is NOT real world, lol! And it's not handy to press a button to speak. I hope they fix this before the game is released.
It seems that I got quite annoyed with this feature...but don't let this reflect on the rest of the game. It's freakin' awesome otherwise!!! =D
Ok, so now that I've talked about FIFA 08, and Halo 3...I have a promise to make...inspired by Badboy House, in a comment to this post. He stated that he comes by every day, and I don't update often enough. With demand like that, is there any other option but to oblige! So, I'm making a promise to update my blog every other day...with 2 minor exceptions:
- I will try to update at weekends but they are the likely times I will be further from a computer and the internet, so it isn't always possible! I will, however, always be sure to blog on either a Friday or a Monday
- If I go on holiday, in which case the said holiday will be detailed (no doubt) in a post before I go!
And on that note, I am going on holiday to Magalluf a week today (20th June) for a week (returning 27th June...for those with trouble adding, lol!) so don't expect any updates during then!
I think, for me, it will be quite hard to stick to this but I'm up for the challenge and I'll be able to look back in the near future and see how well I did! =)
With that said, there could be times where I update every day, or even more than once a day! But at least every other day will be a good start! =)
So, till next time (at least Friday!),
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