The latest, uhh, Halo accessories...
Ok, so I sound EXTRA geeky today maybe, but it's only because I'm such a Halo fanboy. When the Halo 3 Zune was announced, I was nearly throwing my iPod in the bin. Ok, not quite that extreme...but it was considered, lol! I've pretty sure I'm getting (haven't quite pre-ordered yet) the Halo 3 Legendary Edition just for the awesome helmet! Actually, on that, I found out today the helmet isn't life size! =O I mean, what's with that? Can anyone explain the point of getting a helmet that you can't wear, lol! ;) I expected it to have a built in wireless headset for Live and all! =) Ok, I didn't expect THAT, but it being life size would've been much cooler than getting an ornament! =(
Talking of headsets, they're also releasing this. Now, this is probably the most useful of all the accessories, to me anyway, as I have been thinking of buying a wireless headset for quite some time. This one obviously looks better than the standard Xbox 360 one, but it's something I don't have and could do with. I just hope they're going to improve on some of the aspects of the wireless headset that others found annoying! (Such as the random noise it sometimes generates, or the fact that people can't hear you, lol!) All-in-all though, I'll probably buy them both!
Hope you enjoyed my view on these as much as I enjoy getting them! As far as I know they're out 4th September...but I'm not guaranteeing that! =)
Till next post,
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