Hitler, Tomb Raider, Sonic, and Mario...
After that title you're probably awaiting a joke...or a comparison...or thinking, why the gaming icons and Hitler, lol! Well I have found out interesting facts/rumours/humour about each of them and thought I'd share...all at the same time! =)
First up, Tomb Raider. Well when I originally heard about Tomb Raider: Anniversary edition I was very excited. It's basically a re-created version of the original Tomb Raider game except with improved graphics, possibly an improved game engine, and, probably most obvious, all the moves from the since-released games! Being a fan of the original Tomb Raider on the PSX made me want it so badly! Now, I was obviously expecting a xbox 360 release, seeing as Tomb Raider: Legend made it on the 360, and quite well at that! However, disappointment slowly sank in when I heard that it was being released on PS2 and PSP only! =( Don't get me wrong, I do have both of those consoles, lol! So I could play it if I really wanted to. But I haven't played my PSP in about 6 months, nor can I remember the last time I even had my PS2 plugged into an electrical socket! The 360 has dominated my gaming life and will undoubtedly continue to do so, so having it on THAT platform would have been the best solution, for me anyway. Alas, it was not to be...or so it seemed. I stumbled upon an interesting find on the internet, as you do, and it so happened it was the website of the ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board). I found that you can search on their site for game ratings...even ones that haven't been released, but recently rated. So, while searching for tomb raider on xbox 360 I came across not 1, but 6 entries. The first was Tomb Raider: Legend, of course...but the other five were the following:
- Tomb Raider: Anniversary Peru
- Tomb Raider: Anniversary Lost City
- Tomb Raider: Anniversary Greece
- Tomb Raider: Anniversary Egypt
- Tomb Raider: Anniversary Croft Manor
Now, this is exciting to me, as they were all rated for the Xbox 360, according to the ESRB site...but what does this imply? Five different games? I think, these 5 'games' will be downloadable over XBLA! Of course, there's no confirmation of this as Eidos have yet to comment, but this would be awesome, if it was the case! I think it's pretty feasible, as if the game can be released on the PSP, surely it could be released under XBLA. Here's hoping anyway, but I intend to see some form of Tomb Raider: Anniversary edition on the 360 in the near future =)
Secondly...(I can tell this will be a long post already!)...I bring to you the possibility of "Sonic the Hedgehog 2" to the XBLA! Now, again, this is just rumour and assumption, but from the same place I saw the Tomb Raider editions mentioned (ESRB) I also noticed they have rated a game called "Sonic the Hedgehog 2". My initial thought was, "Oh awesome! I loved Sonic and it would make a great XBLA game!"...but then I remembered the disaster (in my opinion) that was "Sonic the Hedgehog" for the xbox 360. You know, the 3D one that when you played, it made you feel you were either on steroids or should be! I played the demo of that expecting a wonderful game...instead I got frustrated and down-right angry that they could take a game as awesome as Sonic and murder it, again, in my opinion! I was expecting a sort of platformer which ran at the same pace as the original Sonic, or else something similar to Crash Bandicoot (which I believe a new version IS coming to the 360) or the original Rayman games...instead I got Sonic the 180mph Hedgehog on an adrenaline rush! I didn't enjoy it one bit...and that what made me think, "I hope this 'Sonic the Hedgehog 2' on the ESRB site isn't a sequel to that game!" If it is...all hope is lost for Sonic on 360! I do hope, deep down, that to make up for the crap that was that 360 game, that they release the original "Sonic the Hedgehog 2" (it's the one with Tails and that makes it AWESOME!) on XBLA! For free would more than enough make up for the 3D game, but I'm willing to pay, lol! =)
Thirdly, a nice short bit of writing for me...in that we have Mario (possibly a Mexican Mario, lol!) in a way you've never seen him before...roll the clip:
(You most DEFINITELY need sound for this!!!)
Isn't that awesome...well, the first X minutes were anyway. After that I got bored as I don't understand that much Spanish! =)
And now, lastly, did you know that Hitler plays the 360? Well he does...and he mods it too! :0 Yes, here at my blog, I have exclusive (minus the loads of other places with this, lol!) footage from a German base proving that Hitler really did get screwed (rightly so, however!) by the Allies...again, roll the clip:
(Sound is not really required for this one but CAUTION: There is bad language in the subtitles of this clip, not sure what the actual German is however, lol!)
LMAO! I was laughing for ages when I seen that! Apparently it's from a film called Downfall, but I've never seen it. The creator made good work of the subtitles though...well thought out in my opinion! =)
Another sidenote...I've been away with work since Tuesday and am returning home tonight. I'm looking forward to gaming again, lol! Especially tomorrow...RuKaMiR, over at 360gl.com has arranged for a, what he calls, 'SoupyC Recognition Community Game Night!', to be played tomorrow. Here's the link about it and, if anyone here is interested, go over to 360gl and sign up to the site. Then say you'll be there. Details (time, etc) can be found in the link about it above. It's hopefully gonna be a lot of fun as the people at 360gl are a fantastic bunch! =)
Anyway, that's the end of this post! Comment as usual and I'll respond when I can! Hope you enjoyed my 3rd post in 3days! I enjoyed making them anyway! It's really fun this whole blogging thing. Also, thanks to Badboy House for placing me as one of his favorite blogs to read! I appreicate it...and on that note, if anyone wants to link to me, I'll happily link back. Just comment and let me know!
Hasta luega, (means "See you later" in Spanish...hope I got that right, lol!)
omg soupy, those were probably the funniest videos i've ever seen, expecially the hitler one.. "but sire, think about the bowling game" "fuck the fucking bowling game!" omg i was like crapping my pants while watching that lol
I'm glad you liked it. I liked it too...a lot! =) Have been showing loads of people it...and I have another coming up that is pretty funny buy don't wanna post only it. Gotta think up something else at the same time! =)
Soupy you should update your blog more often mate. i check by every day.
You know, I've been thinking about that! Last week I updated 3 days in a row and the main reason was I was away from my 360 and had to talk about the 360 to keep me going, lol!
I'll try to set myself a goal to update it AT LEAST every other day, if not every day.
Though I want to say thanks for stopping by every day! It makes me feel loved. It's funny, I stop by yours every day if I can and I was noticing how you usually have something new on it! I like it! =)
Now I've convinced myself...I WILL post every other day...the only excuse will be weekends when I'm more busy away from the computer, or when I go on holiday! =)
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