Tuesday, 19 June 2007

The last one for a while (probably) and I'm going back on what I said!

Ok, this could be the last post for a week! I'm leaving tomorrow morning at 4am to get a flight to sunny Magalluf for 7 days! I can't wait, to be honest, as I've been so busy lately with work, exams, and everything else that I do, and I need a week away from it all! I will be sad to miss out on gaming (it's kind of sad that I think that, but I really do enjoy playing my 360!) but will be happy to be on holiday. It's the first real holiday I've had away with friends and am really looking forward to it, as there's 9 of us going, lol! Should be awesome! =) I say this is the last post, but if I get bored later today, or I get internet access while away, I may post a quick entry, for all you keen readers out there! ;)

I want to spend the rest of this post talking about something I had complained about, but now want to take it back. Not so long ago, I posted about the 'major' announcement Microsoft were making and what a let down it was when it turned out to be
'Pac-Man: Championship Edition'. Now, I'm no big fan of Pac-Man, I certainly didn't buy the XBLA version, so I wasn't going to buy this either. And I complained here, there, and everywhere about the let down of the announcement. A few people (who shall remain nameless) had commented to me that it was actually quite good, and while not 'major announcement' worthy, it was still quite awesome. I stood by my anger in the let-down and remained stubborn on the issue...Pac-Man:CE would not be something I would like.

Well, curiousity since got the better of me and I downloaded the trial a few days ago. Due to being busy, I only got around to playing it yesterday...I was stunned. I instantly found myself drawn to this game and loved all 3 minutes of it, lol! I knew I had to buy it as soon as possible...but decided it could wait until I returned from holiday. All in all, I take back what I said, and encourage any of you out there with doubts of this game, to just try it. It's totally reversed my opinion on Pac-Man as the idea behind this is much better than the original, in my opinion! =)

So that's all I want to say. Take it easy over the next week, don't miss me too much, and I'll try not to miss you! ;)



Monday, 18 June 2007

Wouldn't want to break a promise!

Well, what a weekend! Have been so busy that I'm only posting out of not wanting to break the promise just days after making it, lol! I'm going away to Magalluf on Wednesday morning and this weekend was spent preparing for that, as well as the odd social event. Plus, I'm currently in the process of moving from one house to another...all that combined led to a wiped out weekend of busy-ness...and not a lot of 'internet time'. I'll post more tomorrow (if I get a chance) before heading off to relax and sun myself!

Adios (getting in the mood, lol!),


Thursday, 14 June 2007

The latest, uhh, Halo accessories...

So then I see this:
Halo 3 Controller...and to be honest, I'm pretty stoked about the whole thing! I've been thinking for a while I should get another controller, just so that if I have extra people round (that require more than the 2 wireless controllers I already have) then they'll be able to play. Now I'm holding off, as I can get that Halo 3 controller, and to make matters more awesome I get something free with it...

Master Chief FigureA figure...of Master Chief! =D

Ok, so I sound EXTRA geeky today maybe, but it's only because I'm such a Halo fanboy. When the Halo 3 Zune was announced, I was nearly throwing my iPod in the bin. Ok, not quite that extreme...but it was considered, lol! I've pretty sure I'm getting (haven't quite pre-ordered yet) the Halo 3 Legendary Edition just for the awesome helmet! Actually, on that, I found out today the helmet isn't life size! =O I mean, what's with that? Can anyone explain the point of getting a helmet that you can't wear, lol! ;) I expected it to have a built in wireless headset for Live and all! =) Ok, I didn't expect THAT, but it being life size would've been much cooler than getting an ornament! =(

Wireless Headset
Talking of headsets, they're also releasing this. Now, this is probably the most useful of all the accessories, to me anyway, as I have been thinking of buying a wireless headset for quite some time. This one obviously looks better than the standard Xbox 360 one, but it's something I don't have and could do with. I just hope they're going to improve on some of the aspects of the wireless headset that others found annoying! (Such as the random noise it sometimes generates, or the fact that people can't hear you, lol!) All-in-all though, I'll probably buy them both!

Halo 3 ControllerOh, and before I forget, there's actually 2 designs on the wireless controller...here's the other:

Hope you enjoyed my view on these as much as I enjoy getting them! As far as I know they're out 4th September...but I'm not guaranteeing that! =)

Till next post,


Wednesday, 13 June 2007

In the spirit of the promise...


So in the last post I promised more updates, today you're getting two posts in one day! Talk about a bargain! ;) I was considering holding off on this one until tomorrow, so that we'd have 2 posts in 2 days...but I couldn't let this lie any longer, I had to keep you up-to-date! =)

It was announced today that:

"...Gears of War will be getting a title update tomorrow, June 14th after 0200 0900 GMT. Inside the Title Update, you’ll find eight new Achievements for the "Annex" gametype and the "Hidden Fronts" Multiplayer Map Pack on Xbox LIVE.

In addition to adding new Achievements, worth a total of 250 points, Epic has improved the Roadie Run controls so players have greater control of their movement. The title update will also help squash multiplayer exploits and provide general housekeeping.

All I can say is woah, I've impressed by Epic! Now obviously I was impressed by them when they initially released Gears of War, but then I got annoyed at various aspects of the online multiplayer, as well as the fact that all the multiplayer achievements were ONLY attainable in Ranked matches, in which you couldn't play with friends and usually took around 10 minutes to start! But now I am impressed. I'm enjoying Annex matches and they're giving away the achievement points for free! =) Now, in fairness, technically they aren't all free yet as it implies that some will be for the 'Hidden Fronts' pack, which is paid for. But that will be free come 3rd September! So, I'm happy enough with that anyway! =) I'm looking forward to this but the main thing I need at the moment is to find some time to actually spend with my xbox in order to try these things out, lol!

It seems like I'm working more and more, getting involved with more and more things...and my gaming life suffers! But, all is not lost, I will make time for it, in the same way that I will post here at least every other day! =)

Till next time,

EDIT: Updated release time for title update!


FIFA 08 First Footage...and a promise to you, from me =)

Hey, ok first up today is FIFA 08. I only purchased FIFA 07 quite recently (8 May to be precise)...well I suppose it's a while back now, but the point is, I didn't buy it at launch. I wish I had! Ever since playing it I've loved it, it's great fun and, even though I'm not a big football fan, I really get into it! =)

So then I saw that there was footage of FIFA 08 about...and I had to see it!
So here it is also, for you lovely people (courtesy of GameTrailers.com)

EDIT: This seems to be acting kind of strange when I try to fit it in, but it's still viewable, right?
EDIT 2: I think I've fixed it now! =)

So, it seems to me that they've pretty much used an improved version of the players and the starting arena, to produce this, right?

I'm still excited, don't think I'm not...but I was maybe hoping to see some in-game action. Then I found the screenshots, (courtesy of CvG). Now, to me, these are a lot better than the video. You get to see different players, a bit of gameplay...my kind of screens! =)

So now my excitement has built up, I just have to wait for the release date (September 2007 apparently)...which interestingly enough coincides with Halo 3, the beta of which just stopped. I suppose I should give my view on it then, eh?

I loved the beta. There was nearly nothing wrong with it! My major gripe was the 'push-to-talk' feature, that has been with the Halo series. (well, Halo: CE didn't have Live functionality, so I guess it's just Halo 2) It gets annoying when you have to move your thumb from a movement stick to the d-pad, press it and then move it back, all during the game. Why can't it be like the majority of other games where, when you talk into your microphone, your team hears you. It should be the standard that developers have to keep. The number of times I was talking and realising my team-mates couldn't hear me was ridiculous! Instead, Bungie decided that the push-to-talk would be used for team-mates, and normal talking would be used for proximity. Now, I can see where they came to that conclusion from...in the REAL world, people nearby would hear you when you talk, and people on your team, would only hear you if they were nearby or you were using your radio...but Halo is NOT real world, lol! And it's not handy to press a button to speak. I hope they fix this before the game is released.

It seems that I got quite annoyed with this feature...but don't let this reflect on the rest of the game. It's freakin' awesome otherwise!!! =D

Ok, so now that I've talked about FIFA 08, and Halo 3...I have a promise to make...inspired by Badboy House, in a comment to this post. He stated that he comes by every day, and I don't update often enough. With demand like that, is there any other option but to oblige! So, I'm making a promise to update my blog every other day...with 2 minor exceptions:

  1. I will try to update at weekends but they are the likely times I will be further from a computer and the internet, so it isn't always possible! I will, however, always be sure to blog on either a Friday or a Monday

  2. If I go on holiday, in which case the said holiday will be detailed (no doubt) in a post before I go!

And on that note, I am going on holiday to Magalluf a week today (20th June) for a week (returning 27th June...for those with trouble adding, lol!) so don't expect any updates during then!

I think, for me, it will be quite hard to stick to this but I'm up for the challenge and I'll be able to look back in the near future and see how well I did! =)

With that said, there could be times where I update every day, or even more than once a day! But at least every other day will be a good start! =)

So, till next time (at least Friday!),


Thursday, 7 June 2007

Hitler, Tomb Raider, Sonic, and Mario...


After that title you're probably awaiting a joke...or a comparison...or thinking, why the gaming icons and Hitler, lol! Well I have found out interesting facts/rumours/humour about each of them and thought I'd share...all at the same time! =)

First up, Tomb Raider. Well when I originally heard about Tomb Raider: Anniversary edition I was very excited. It's basically a re-created version of the original Tomb Raider game except with improved graphics, possibly an improved game engine, and, probably most obvious, all the moves from the since-released games! Being a fan of the original Tomb Raider on the PSX made me want it so badly! Now, I was obviously expecting a xbox 360 release, seeing as Tomb Raider: Legend made it on the 360, and quite well at that! However, disappointment slowly sank in when I heard that it was being released on PS2 and PSP only! =( Don't get me wrong, I do have both of those consoles, lol! So I could play it if I really wanted to. But I haven't played my PSP in about 6 months, nor can I remember the last time I even had my PS2 plugged into an electrical socket! The 360 has dominated my gaming life and will undoubtedly continue to do so, so having it on THAT platform would have been the best solution, for me anyway. Alas, it was not to be...or so it seemed. I stumbled upon an interesting find on the internet, as you do, and it so happened it was the website of the ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board). I found that you can search on their site for game ratings...even ones that haven't been released, but recently rated. So, while searching for tomb raider on xbox 360 I came across not 1, but 6 entries. The first was Tomb Raider: Legend, of course...but the other five were the following:
  • Tomb Raider: Anniversary Peru

  • Tomb Raider: Anniversary Lost City

  • Tomb Raider: Anniversary Greece

  • Tomb Raider: Anniversary Egypt

  • Tomb Raider: Anniversary Croft Manor

Now, this is exciting to me, as they were all rated for the Xbox 360, according to the ESRB site...but what does this imply? Five different games? I think, these 5 'games' will be downloadable over XBLA! Of course, there's no confirmation of this as Eidos have yet to comment, but this would be awesome, if it was the case! I think it's pretty feasible, as if the game can be released on the PSP, surely it could be released under XBLA. Here's hoping anyway, but I intend to see some form of Tomb Raider: Anniversary edition on the 360 in the near future =)

Secondly...(I can tell this will be a long post already!)...I bring to you the possibility of "Sonic the Hedgehog 2" to the XBLA! Now, again, this is just rumour and assumption, but from the same place I saw the Tomb Raider editions mentioned (ESRB) I also noticed they have rated a game called "Sonic the Hedgehog 2". My initial thought was, "Oh awesome! I loved Sonic and it would make a great XBLA game!"...but then I remembered the disaster (in my opinion) that was "Sonic the Hedgehog" for the xbox 360. You know, the 3D one that when you played, it made you feel you were either on steroids or should be! I played the demo of that expecting a wonderful game...instead I got frustrated and down-right angry that they could take a game as awesome as Sonic and murder it, again, in my opinion! I was expecting a sort of platformer which ran at the same pace as the original Sonic, or else something similar to Crash Bandicoot (which I believe a new version IS coming to the 360) or the original Rayman games...instead I got Sonic the 180mph Hedgehog on an adrenaline rush! I didn't enjoy it one bit...and that what made me think, "I hope this 'Sonic the Hedgehog 2' on the ESRB site isn't a sequel to that game!" If it is...all hope is lost for Sonic on 360! I do hope, deep down, that to make up for the crap that was that 360 game, that they release the original "Sonic the Hedgehog 2" (it's the one with Tails and that makes it AWESOME!) on XBLA! For free would more than enough make up for the 3D game, but I'm willing to pay, lol! =)

Thirdly, a nice short bit of writing for me...in that we have Mario (possibly a Mexican Mario, lol!) in a way you've never seen him before...roll the clip:
(You most DEFINITELY need sound for this!!!)

Isn't that awesome...well, the first X minutes were anyway. After that I got bored as I don't understand that much Spanish! =)

And now, lastly, did you know that Hitler plays the 360? Well he does...and he mods it too! :0 Yes, here at my blog, I have exclusive (minus the loads of other places with this, lol!) footage from a German base proving that Hitler really did get screwed (rightly so, however!) by the Allies...again, roll the clip:
(Sound is not really required for this one but CAUTION: There is bad language in the subtitles of this clip, not sure what the actual German is however, lol!)

LMAO! I was laughing for ages when I seen that! Apparently it's from a film called Downfall, but I've never seen it. The creator made good work of the subtitles though...well thought out in my opinion! =)

Another sidenote...I've been away with work since Tuesday and am returning home tonight. I'm looking forward to gaming again, lol! Especially tomorrow...RuKaMiR, over at 360gl.com has arranged for a, what he calls, 'SoupyC Recognition Community Game Night!', to be played tomorrow. Here's the link about it and, if anyone here is interested, go over to 360gl and sign up to the site. Then say you'll be there. Details (time, etc) can be found in the link about it above. It's hopefully gonna be a lot of fun as the people at 360gl are a fantastic bunch! =)

Anyway, that's the end of this post! Comment as usual and I'll respond when I can! Hope you enjoyed my 3rd post in 3days! I enjoyed making them anyway! It's really fun this whole blogging thing. Also, thanks to Badboy House for placing me as one of his favorite blogs to read! I appreicate it...and on that note, if anyone wants to link to me, I'll happily link back. Just comment and let me know!

Hasta luega, (means "See you later" in Spanish...hope I got that right, lol!)


Wednesday, 6 June 2007

PC Shadowrun gamers have more going for them than Mouse and Keyboard

Ok, so I found this today, and to be honest, I was a tad annoyed! I mean, all the time, the PC fanboys are all (my mouse and keyboard would pwn your sorry controller ass) and then the xbox fanboys are all (yeah, well I bet my controller would be l33t compared to your sorry mouse and keyboard) and so it continued. Until Shadowrun...the first FPS (well, actually the first game) to offer xbox Live gamers to go head-to-head with PC gamers, in a true Mouse/Keyboard Vs. Controller battle to the death (...or respawn)

Everything was fine, people on both platforms enjoyed the game, the battle continued. Until Mr Geek Nerd-ner decided to program his gaming keyboard with all the combinations to unleash the vast powers that Shadowrun contains, while Mr Uber-Gamerscore browses the menus to find his powers. Thus, Geek Nerd-ner unleashes a flury of different magic and tech combinations that riddles Mr Uber-Gamerscore, long before he's even brought up the damn menu.

Now I know at lot of the Windows Live gamers have complained that the menu system is designed more with the xbox 360 in mind, but I still don't think programming macros into your keyboard is the answer. It's just cheating!

I for one will be sticking with my 360. (Mainly because I don't have a PC capable of most games and I LOVE my 360, lol!) However, I do hope that FASA come out with an update for the PC version that gives them a better menu system for selecting the magic and tech powers.

Till next time,


Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Huge Microsoft Announcement...possible FREE Halo 3....more like Huge Microsoft hype for nothing!


Ok, so yesterday GamerTagRadio post this, saying that Microsoft were making a huge announcement that "will go down in video-game history". Of course EVERYONE who's anyone is excited about this and anticipates 24-hours later...then this arrives! =( I mean, come on! An Xbox Live Arcade release of new levels in a 'new' pac-man is hardly "video-game history"...my friend created some new pac-man levels as a demo game for a university project! Seriously...don't EVER hype me up like that again! I was expecting Halo 3 to be free or something, lol! Ok, not quite THAT big (though it would be freakin' awesome!!!) But at least a video of new motion-sensing controllers for the 360 or something. Now, don't get me wrong here...I don't particularly want to see the 360 steal the innovation of the Wii and try to make money, but there are rumours going around. In my opinion, you want awesome gaming...360, you want motion-sensing innovation and a little gaming...Wii, you want poor use of motion-sensing and mediocre gaming...PS3! I don't joke either...I will consider a PS3 for one thing only...MGS4...and thanks to relativly fresh rumours, I won't need a PS3 for that! =)

So, in conclusion, Microsoft claim 'HUGE' announcement, turns out it's Pac-Man re-vamped, everybody's let down, PS3 sucks...oh wait, that's not new news, lol! =)

Till next 'huge' announcement...well, until next time I feel like it really,