Wednesday, 6 June 2007

PC Shadowrun gamers have more going for them than Mouse and Keyboard

Ok, so I found this today, and to be honest, I was a tad annoyed! I mean, all the time, the PC fanboys are all (my mouse and keyboard would pwn your sorry controller ass) and then the xbox fanboys are all (yeah, well I bet my controller would be l33t compared to your sorry mouse and keyboard) and so it continued. Until Shadowrun...the first FPS (well, actually the first game) to offer xbox Live gamers to go head-to-head with PC gamers, in a true Mouse/Keyboard Vs. Controller battle to the death (...or respawn)

Everything was fine, people on both platforms enjoyed the game, the battle continued. Until Mr Geek Nerd-ner decided to program his gaming keyboard with all the combinations to unleash the vast powers that Shadowrun contains, while Mr Uber-Gamerscore browses the menus to find his powers. Thus, Geek Nerd-ner unleashes a flury of different magic and tech combinations that riddles Mr Uber-Gamerscore, long before he's even brought up the damn menu.

Now I know at lot of the Windows Live gamers have complained that the menu system is designed more with the xbox 360 in mind, but I still don't think programming macros into your keyboard is the answer. It's just cheating!

I for one will be sticking with my 360. (Mainly because I don't have a PC capable of most games and I LOVE my 360, lol!) However, I do hope that FASA come out with an update for the PC version that gives them a better menu system for selecting the magic and tech powers.

Till next time,


Anonymous said...

That is pretty pathetic. I'm sure they will be patching that eventually. I only play with guys on my friends list or from None of them cheat and we all have a great time. Actually, tonight is our second Shadowrun "Game Night". Looks like we've got Wednesdays set to be the night everyone from AGE gets together for some Shadowrun. All though there are guys playing every night it is nice to have a set night for those of us with other responsibilities.

Anonymous said...

it was only a matter of time before someone in PC land came up with something like that, I think it will always be an issue with PC V's console games, there are always people who would lie, cheat and steal to have things their way, the best thing to do is everything you beat a pc gamer just imagine that they cheated and still couldn't beat you

Anonymous said...

that's the main problem with PC live, if i ever picked up shadowrun, i'd really hope that no one from pC showed up, because i acctually do think that mouse/keyboard beats controllers, i just think it's easier to react and stuff, and as for the cheating.....damn bastards

Soupy said...

@jigsaw: See that's where I'm looking forward to playing it. Not at AGE, but within a community, with friends and stuff. Sometimes the difference is very noticeable when you've cheaters and whatever playing, compared to people you know!

@irishpauly: See that feeling would be good. Thinking you beat a PC gamer who was using macros. Would make it so much more satisfying! =)

@markman: Well you're right...except half the achievements are for cross-platform play, so they need to be useful for something, lol! ;)
