Thursday, 17 May 2007

Which is easier? (POLL)

I thought this would be quite interesting to see after I have been talking about this with some people, and even talked, to some extent, about it to my girlfriend. Obviously, this won't affect MY actions, but I just want to see what others think. Feel free to comment below, maybe on why you chose what you did?


EDIT: Maybe I shouldn't have used the word easier. As some have pointed out, of course it's easier to be nagging, hassle, etc. Maybe the question should've been, what's easier to attain and also the most BENEFICIAL. My point is, is it easier to try and get your girl to game, or are you better to get another girl who likes to game...or is it better to just game alone without and not have a girlfriend.

Hope that clears it up a bit better =)

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